
Louise Opprud has done keynotes for more than 50,000 people in Scandinavia, Europe, UAE and the US about the future of work. She works with global companies such as BMW, Google, Novo Nordisk as well as Governments and business organizations about the principles of Digital Work Design and the essential methods and tools we need to redesign work for tomorrow.

Please find topic inspiration below - and note that all keynotes can be fitted or tailormade to your event.

Please contact Maibritt Schou, PA to Louise Opprud to elaborate about your event. She can help you with availability, pricing, coordination of prep-calls and more. / +45 28402208

the future of work and working

Work will change more in the next 10 years, than anything we have seen before. 

15-70% of computer-based work can now be automated, and in 5 years, 44% of all skills across industries will be irrelevant, according to the World Economic Forum.

AI is set to redefine the value of knowledge work and revolutionize our ways of working in record time. Today, AI already has "a 1000 x more general knowledge than a human" professor Geoffrey Hinton elaborates - and this is the starting point, so what does this mean for knowledge work, our businesses, and how we navigate this transition in the next few years?

Core topics:

  • Generative AI and the new skillset: AI will change what we value as work - and which skills are on the rise and in demand. Here we dive into the skills on the rise and discuss how AI will impact daily work tasks as well as job functions. We will establish a discussion about automation of work and which tasks and skills that will be replaced, co-produced and what work of higher value and greater meaning this will open up for.  

  • Digital work cultures: Today work is characterized by constant distractions, multitasking and task switching, that makes it impossible for us to engage in deep thinking, learning, and innovation - the top skills of the AI era. We are loosing up to 40% of our daily productivity when we work in this way according to Professor Cal Newport - and besides impacting our brains negatively and increasing stress - we are at risk for not staying relevant, if we don´t rethink how we work and utilise our highest thinking.

  • Strategies for Redesigning Work: What are the states of mind where you are 700% more creative, 500% better at solving complex problems and where your learning is up by 490%? We will look into practical strategies that unlocks higher cognitive function and makes your work future-proof. You will have the Science, the methods and the tools to start redesigning work tomorrow. They include corporate strategies, team efforts and individual training for optimal performance.

  • Want to add a deepening in your session? Great! Let´s talk about these topics:  What is creativity from a brain standpoint? When are you most creative? Circadian Science and daily rhythms. Boosting your creative thinking though movement and exercise. The Science of rest and it´s impact on profoundly creative thinking. Digital cultures, distractions and attention span. Shallow vs deep work and the design of a workday. Work rhythms and rituals from the world's most innovative companies


Louise Opprud is an international keynote speaker that has spent the last 12 years interviewing and visiting the worlds most innovative companies such as NASA, Airbnb, Pixar, Spotify, X the Moonshot factory at Google, LEGO Ventures, Soulmachines, Magic Leap, Stanford University, Autodesk and many more to get deep insights into new ways of working and research-based strategies for creative performance.

She did her first book about AI and the future of work in 2017 and today looks into how AI will change work more in the next 10 years, than the sum of history - and how we as humans can adapt and use this historical opportunity to create a way better work life.

She has lectured in MBA programmes and for Executive boards, students, corporates, creatives and appeared as expert in radio, podcasts, tv and media such as Børsen, DR, So ein Ding, Lederne, VEGA What´s NEXT, Heartbeats, TEDx etc. 

Customers include: Novo Nordisk (DE, DK, US), Genmab (DK, US), Google (DK), Amesto (No), Autostore (No), Ledarne (S), Lederne (DK), Hyper Island (S) Quantic MBA (US), Stenaline (S), Roskilde Festival (DK), VEGA (DK), Angostura Ltd. (US), MBR Space Center (UAE), Government of Dubai (UAE), McKinsey & Co (DK), Weekendavisen (DK), LEGO (DK), Copenhagen Business School (DK), Dansk Industri (DK), Edenred (Fr), Danish Technical University (DK), Ny Carlsberg Fondet (DK), Tuborg Fondet (DK), Workday (US), Government of Scotland (UK) and many more.  

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